The July fish of the month is another fantastic Southeast Asian fish; the Pearl Gourami
*Trichopodus leerii*. This small but distinctly patterned gourami reaches a maximum size
of about four and a half inches, making it perfect for any thirty-plus gallon freshwater
tank. As a labryinth fish (meaning they have a rudimentary lung), the most important
aspect of your Pearl Gourami’s tank is the surface area. A wide, shallow tank is much more appropriate for this fish than a tall slim tank of the same volume.
The Pearl Gourami is also a remarkably social fish. While the species does not actively
shoal, keeping the Pearl Gourami in at least a group of three, with two females per male,
helps to cut down on stress and aggression among the fish. Adult Pearl Gourami are also
fairly easy to sex, with the breast of the more aggressive males turning bright red. Pearls
are disease resistant, well mannered, and generally very easy to keep. Feeding your
gouramis a high quality food such as Hikari’s Frozen Blood Worm will really help bring out
their gorgeous coloration. Whether your’re new to fish keeping and looking for something
simple, or an experienced fish keeper aiming for a unique addition to your collection, the
Pearl Gourami is a fantastic addition to the aquarium.
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