It’s time to spruce up your ponds and get ready to spend some time outside in the sunshine! But don’t worry, we’ve got some great new items for your home aquariums too!
Some New Items For Your Tank
Those of you who have been in the aquarium hobby for a long time may remember the Vortex Diatom Filter. Well, this great filter is back on the shelves! Utilizing all natural diatameacous Earth, the Diatom Filter is the most effective way to clear up water in your salt and freshwater tanks!
Many of you have come to rely on LRS Reef Frenzy to keep your reef tanks happy and healthy. Well, now you can try the brand new LRS Fish Frenzy. Loaded with black worms and fish eggs, even your most picky eater wont be able to resist this tasty- and nutritious- treat.
Revamp Your Pond!
It’s getting warm again, and now is the time to get your pond ready for those backyard barbecues. If you are an early riser, you should consider investing in some lovely pond hyacinths. In the morning, a beautiful purple flower blooms. The hyacinths will offer shade to your fish, as well as provide extra filtration for your water. Pond hyacinths love the summer heat and will grow rapidly. Make sure to get them early so that they can out-compete algae!
If you are like many pond owners, you may suffer from excess algae. A great way to combat that is through a UV sterilizer. Ultraviolet lamps disrupt the DNA of single celled organisms, making them ideal for fighting algae, as well as protozoans and other disease-causing pathogens.
UV sterilizers are not limited to ponds however, and can be used on both salt and freshwater aquariums.
Fish Of The Month
Discus are the kings of the freshwater aquarium. In a tank, they must have no competition for food. They require warm aquariums up to 84 degrees, and need water that is totally free of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Therefore they require frequent water changes. They love live food, such as black worms and brine, and can learn to accept prepared food, such as pellets and flake. Discus reward diligent aquarists with vibrant colors and unique personalities.
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