Many people prefer to set up a more “natural” looking tank. One of the most beautiful, but natural ornaments that Centreville Aquarium sells is Malaysian wood. Malaysian wood is a popular choice for aquariums because, unlike other types of driftwood, Malaysian wood will sink. Not only is Malaysian wood aesthetically pleasing, it can actually give direct benefit to your tank.
Great For Aquascaping
If you are looking to have a planted aquarium, Malaysian wood is a great option. Because it sinks naturally, it is easy to attach plants, such as java fern and Anubius to the wood. A rubber band, fishing line or thread works well for attaching the plants. Rubber bands are the best choice, because by the time a rubber band begins to decay, the roots are usually developed enough to hold the plant to the wood. A decayed rubber band is easy to remove without damage to the plant. Malaysian wood also looks very natural and attractive, perfectly accenting plants.
Plecos Love It
If you love your plecos, consider getting them a piece of Malaysian wood. While a pleco’s main diet is algae, they also chew on wood for a more nutritious diet. A pleco with a piece of drift wood will be very happy and healthy.
Provides Hiding Places
Many fish like having places to hide, whether it be inside ornaments or caves. Malaysian wood is particularly suited to providing hiding places. This style of wood often has long branches, holes, and caves, providing fish with many different forms of shelter.
Softens Water
Malaysian wood naturally releases tanins. This can make the water have a yellowish or tea colored tint. Tanins are also a natural water softener. Having a piece of driftwood in an aquarium will cause the pH of the water to slowly decrease.
Many people are nervous at the thought of buying wood. They are concerned that wood will cause their aquarium water to become discolored or dirty. While there is always a risk that wood will give a yellow-brown tint to aquarium water, there are ways to combat this. Activated carbon should help to ensure that water stays clear. Soaking the wood for several days, or boiling the wood, will help reduce the amount of tint in your aquarium.
Where To Buy Malaysian Wood
Malaysian wood is available here, at Centreville Aquarium. We have many pieces, ranging in size from small (4-6 inches) and large (greater then 46 inches). The wood here comes in a variety of shapes and it is unlikely you wont be able to find the perfect piece for your tank.
Chelsea has a B.S. in biology from the University of Mary Washington and ten years of aquarium experience.
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