March Fish of the Month
Tag archives for Fish Store
Clown Loach
This month we are celebrating Astronotus ocellatus the infamous oscar. Oscars are Cichlids that originated in tropical South America. They have been introduced in many tropical waterways around the world including Florida, Asia and even Australia. Oscars grow to 18…
Monte Carlo and Dwarf Sag
Monte Carlo and Dwarf Sag. This month’s fish of the month isn’t a fish at all, rather the foreground plants ‘Monte Carlo’, (Micranthemum tweediei) and Dwarf Saggitaria. Relatively new to the hobby, Monte Carlo is native to Argentina, and has…
Pearl Gourami
The July fish of the month is another fantastic Southeast Asian fish; the Pearl Gourami *Trichopodus leerii*. This small but distinctly patterned gourami reaches a maximum size of about four and a half inches, making it perfect for any thirty-plus…
Anemones are a saltwater invertebrate found in oceans across the world, from the Artic to the East Coastal Regions bordering our very own state. Anemones are essentially one giant polyp attached to a foot, known as a pedal disk, which…
Fish of the Month!
Planted freshwater aquariums can be very low maintenance and the perfect environment for many of our aquatic pets. There are many different methods and products available to the aquatic plant keeper. No matter the particulars, growing aquarium plants is easy…
Fish of the Month!
The common Angelfish, Pterophylum scalare, is a species of tropical cichlid found in both the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America. The Angelfish lives up to its name with their long, flowing fins and elegant delta of a body….
Fish of the Month!
The Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is a tropical marine reef fish from the Pacific and Indian oceans. While the clownfish has been widely available for many decades it became a Celebrity after the release of the Disney movie, Finding Nemo in…
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